Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Last weekend I certainly celebrated the "lazy days of summer".  On this rare occasion, I hardly left my sofa, much less my pajamas and my mood was equally pathetic.  Exhausted from this thing called "life", crashing seemed the best option as the stormy weather dictated all outdoor activity cancelled until.... FOREVER!  With no plans and no sunshine in sight, my horizontal mind embraced the gloominess of the weather, and sadness crept in stealing my inner sunshine!

With the steady sound of rain falling, I dozed in and out of consciousness,  and my mind drifted to the places that my life protected!  I intentionally stay busy with an unattainable schedule because I am not comfortable with the empty spaces as they are reminders of missed opportunities, unhealed pain and regret.  I wept.....

When the sun returned Monday morning, so did the usual distractions of my normal life, but perhaps with a clearer understanding of rainy days!  Life's forecast comes complete with as many variables as the weather. A grieving season and tears prove to be as necessary as a summer rain, refreshing the soul, nourishing the spirit, and healing the empty spaces urging on the GROWTH of our bountiful garden!!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Growing UP!

Even though we grow beyond our roots in distance....they are our foundation, the basis of all we know. You are my friend....my roots!!! I have loved you my whole life!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Stormy Day

Jo has cancer....and today a devastating blow occurred as her recent PET scan revealed more tumors, higher numbers, and DECISIONS!  Processing this reality is daunting and requires much thoughtfulness and prayer......and a little drive in the monsoon rains to a quaint little cafe for lunch and BEER, with a slice of retail therapy for dessert!!!  Today's events are somewhat surreal.....and a little like an excerpt or scene from the movie, "Steel Magnolias", each of us discovering which character we might represent, and more importantly, knowing that our bond of friendship, necessary. While the seriousness of her decisions are not taken lightly, there is truth in "finding the humor" in all circumstances.  We laughed, cried,  joked and discussed completely inappropriate things.....all sprinkled with the undertones of cancer, life and of course, sex!

In my own life, the obvious blessings have come from the friendships forged along the journey!  As women, we must share our stories, our experiences, reaching beyond our own circumstances to encourage others.  It is in this act, we start to heal and love ourselves. Life was never designed to be easy, and yet we all expect a certain amount of comfort.  It is not until we are older that we understand that bad things happen in life not because we are deserving, but because we are alive!  We do not ever plan to be divorced, sick, poor, unhappy or depressed, but God does provide us the tools needed to weather these storms. Many times it takes being knocked to our knees to look up and understand the tools have ALWAYS been there, and God's love unyielding.

I am sad that my friend is dying, but I am blessed beyond measure that she LIVES!!!  I am thankful for her journey and fortunate to share in her story.  Her strength and courage in this fight lends comfort to others faced with this disease....and her focus on others, her healing. 

Day by day, oh dear Lord three things I pray, to see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly....follow thee more nearly...day by day by day by day!!!!